Free combi sistemi Arhiv


  • Capacity cooling / heating: 2,5 / 2,8kW
  • Sound Pressure Level: 30-37-37dB(A)
  • Pipe diameter - liquid: ¼ / 6,0 inch / mm
  • Pipe diameter - gas: ⅜ / 10,0 inch / mm
  • Dimension (w x h x d) indoor unit: 913 x 220 x 680mm
  • Net weight: 27kg
Zmogljivost Hlajenje / Ogrevanje 2,5 / 2,8 kW
Akustični tlak na 1 m Notranja enota 30 / 37 / 37 dB(A)
Pretok zraka Notranja enota 450 m3 / h
Cevi - tekočina Premer 1/4 / 6 inch / mm
Cevi - plin Premer 3/8 / 10 inch / mm
Dimenzije (Š x V x G) Notranja enota 913 x 220 x 680 mm
Teža neto / bruto Notranja enota 27,0 / 32,0 kg

The specification of products is subject to change based further development of the units by the producer and can be changed without prior notice. Refer to rating label. Data are based on following conditions:

  • Length of connection pipe: 5m
  • Cooling condition: indoor temperature 27°C DB / 19°C WB, outdoor temperature 35°C DB / 24°C WB
  • Heating condition: indoor temperature 20°C DB / 15°C WB, outdoor temperature 7°C DB / 6°C WB
  • Refrigerant: R410A (50% HFC-32, 50% HFC-125)

The devices contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. Noise is tested in the semi-anechoic room, so it should be slightly higher in the actual Operation due to environmental change. Power input is tested under standard condition.

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